1946 - 1972

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Department of Mathematics




    1972 onwards


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Publications of Dr. V.Ravindranath:


1. Dr.V.Ravindranath, Handa, B.R. and Kambo, N.S. ”UMVU Estimation of Functions of Truncation Parameters of Several Populations”, IAPQR Transactions, vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 29-38.1996.

2. Dr.V.Ravindranath, Handa, B.R. and Kambo, N.S.”Estimation of the Smaller and Larger of Trun-cation Parameters of Two Non-regular Distributions”, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, vol. 26, 2439-2456, 1997.

3. Dr.V.Ravindranath, Srinivas Kumar, S., Chatterjee, B.N.”Comparative performance of Rank Corre-lation techniques in Stereo Correspondence in Stereo Images” , presented in Interna-tional Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences, ICRAMS-2000, held at I.I.T., Kharagpur, December 2000.

4 Dr.V.Ravindranath,  Apparao, N., Vijayakumar, P, Ramachandrudu,G”Urbanisation Trends in Andhra Pradesh:A Region-wise Study”, Asian Economic Review, Vol. 46, No. 1, 68-74,2004.

5. Dr.V.Ravindranath,  Vijayalaxmi, A. ”Finding Optimum Inspection Intervals to Maintenance Data: Logistic Regression Approach”, Communicated to International Journal of Quality, Productivity and Reliability, Feb-2004.

6. Dr.V.Ravindranath, Apparao, N, Vijaya Kumar, P.”A Study on Quality of Life in Towns: A Principal Component Analysis Approach”, presented at the National Seminar at School of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, during 30th-31st December 2004.

7. Dr.V.Ravindranath, Apparao, N, Vijaya Kumar, P. ”A Study on Quality of Life in Towns through Civic Aminities - A Case Study of Srikakulam District”, Presented in the XXIII Annual Conference of Andhra Pradesh Economic Association, held at School of Economics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam., during 12th-13th February 2005.


Publications of Dr. A.Vijaya Laxmi:

1.  “Bulk arrival Queues with finite buffer space : GIX/M/1/N Queue”, published in the proceedings of the “International Conference on Stochastic processes and their Applications” held at chennai,  in Jan’98, Narosa publishers, India. 

2. “On the  Finite-Buffer Bulk-Arrival GIX /EK/1/N Queueing system” published in “Operation Research” 

3. “ On the finite-buffer bulk service queue with general independent arrivals : GI/Mb/1/N” , published in “Operation Research Letters”. 

4. “Analysis of finite buffer multi-server queues with group arrivals: GIX /M/C/N” published in “ Queueing systems” 

5.  “Analysis of the MAP/Ga,b/1/N queue”, published in “ queueing systems”.

6. "The Relations among the queue Size Distributions at Departure, Arbitrary and Pre-  arrival Epochs in the MAP/G/1 Queue with Finite/ infinite Buffer - an Alternative Approach." published in OPSEARCH.  

7. “ Finding Optimum Inspection Intervals to maintenance data :  Logistic Regression approach" – Accepted for publication in the national symposium on Mathematical methods and application (NSMMA 2003) – I.I.T – Chennai.


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